Saturday, November 5, 2011

HUNGER (or a Question Without an Answer)

I followed a conversation several months ago online and the topic was hunger. Someone was selling a weight-loss aid and the first question was, "Will I feel hunger?" I've been wondering since then, why are we so afraid to feel hungry? Frankly I don't have an answer. I haven't done deep studies on this topic....only my own deep thinking :-)

I do know that we were created with hunger and thirst. Over and over in the scriptures there are references to God's supplying to those that are both hungry and thirsty. The scriptures also tell us that we are to hunger and thirst after righteousness. I know it is God-given.

When I was at my heaviest weight, I rarely felt hunger - probably for 2 main reasons....1, I constantly kept feeding my body far more than it needed and 2, My metabolism was non-existant. 5 days or so into this new way of eating, hunger kicked it....and I LOVE it. I've read from Micheal Thurmond, that when you feel hunger that means your metabolism is working. So everytime I feel hunger, I know I'm on the right track and the metabolism is back!! I do, however, try to keep myself from getting extremely hungry....that would lead to some pretty poor choices. But I have discovered that I seem to follow a pattern....every 2-3 hours I begin feeling the hunger pains and I know its time to feed my body. In fact, I'm getting hungry right now!!!!!!!!

Hunger is nothing to fear....I don't know why we do. If you're watching your weight, embrace it and God's internal signal that its time to eat.
If you're thirsty, drink, If you're hungry, eat and if you're tired, sleep.